En este vídeo de demostración se puede apreciar el sistema de funcionamiento de los coches autoadrizables.

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As you can see, the miniature cars and scale models AUTODRIZABLES which we present, when they fall into the water, no matter how, they very quickly right themselves and establish a stable position of equiblibrium in an upright position. They have been constructed such that their Metacentre is above their Centre of Gravity.

The models have been built from materials (modelling clay and terracotta) with densities much greater (1.25 and 1.9) than water, yet they are designed to float.

The interior of the cars where the passengers are seated is a faithful copy of the second and third rows of seats which is illustrated in the pop-up model in the book. The objective of the design is to increase the safety and comfort of the passengers. This can be seen in several of the illustrations which follow. Some of the models have model passengers.

The following statistics shown here will help you understand the real and social necessity of starting manufacture now. While answering various comments in Forums, it it clear that there already exist amphibious cars and submarines (usually convertibles), however, not AUTOADRIZABLES. If they drop into the water when they are tipped over they would be in trouble.

An interesting piece of information is that the amphibious tanks which came out of the landing crafts towards the Normandy beaches on the 6th June 1944, were carrying an overcraft which was abandoned and its weight was about 60 metric tonnes.

Thank you.

Galería de imágenes
Galería imagenes - Minicoches autoadrizables
Libro El Quinto Elemento - El pájaro de Marco viajando en el 3D x 3I + a)
Reserva ya el libro El Quinto Elemento - El pájaro de Marco viajando en el 3D x 3I + a)